Saturday, September 6, 2008

Post Wedding

Before heading out, we got to meet James and Aimee's newest addition to their family. Jelly Bean. She is a mix of French Bulldog and American? Anyway, you have got to love that face and those teeth (or maybe only her mother could love it). She was very friendly and we hope to see her again!

Here is their other dog, Gordie. He is very sweet and sensitive and the one and only time Tug and Willy met him I'm afraid they didn't make a very good impression (shocking, I know)!
Another shot of Jelly Bean.
Niece Lileigh.
Nephew Jaxon (he was the ringbearer and looked very sharp in his little suit and tie) and my brother Jacob.
After the wedding James and Aimee headed to their cabin at Mt. Baker. I know they were exhausted and looking to decompress for a few days. They will be going to New Zealand in a few months for their honeymoon, and I imagine another party since a lot of Aimee's family lives there and only a few people were able to make it to the wedding.


Katy said...

Dog and kid pix, my favorite! Jelly Bean is freaking adorable and so is Gordie as always. Jaxson looks like he is perpetually thinking of trouble to get into! What a cutie!

Brittany said...

Jelly Bean is so stinkin' cute!!!!!!!!!!