Saturday, September 6, 2008

Rehearsal Dinner

James and Aimee had a reheasal dinner outside for all of us to enjoy. There was lots of Southwest BBQ style food and beer and wine. Great combo! James surprised Aimee with a slide show of pictures from when they were both kids up until present. It was put together really well and it was hilarious listening to the reactions from the guests. Everyone thought Aimee's pictures were so cute (and they were), but the pictures of James brought mostly laughter and wisecracks from his friends. His pictures were just as cute especially the tubby baby pictures!

The bride-to-be
James looking like he is having the time of his life!
My youngest sister, Erin and me. She was smart and put on a coat. I was too vain.
My mom and sister-in-law Rikki
A shot of Rikki and me. Rikki is going to make me an Aunt again!


Katy said...

What? Rikki is preggers? AWESOME! I'll send her an email asap. How cool.

You look so beautiful, I totally love love love that dress!

Jeanne said...

still double fisted drinking.
I know it is water, or is it????
Just kidding.
Both of you ladies are gorgeous.