I haven't posted in a little bit. Feel like I have been slacking on my blog, and paying more attention to Facebook. My friend and co-worker, Tracy teases me about being so connected with the Internet. She is probably right, but I would never say that to her face (so Tracy if you read this don't rub it in). Speaking of Tracy, she gave me the lovely margarita glass (love the cover with the hole for a straw) pictured below. I think she thinks I'm a lush?? (No comment from you Katy). I had to put the bottle of tequila next to it so you could get an idea of how big that glass really is! Gonna have a poker party this Saturday at our house. Maybe I will use my new glass...
Big Red
1 month ago
OMG--that is a big ass glass! Are we going to be using those on our party weekend?! I think I'd be on the floor after about a quarter of it!
WHOOO HOOOO! That is MY kind of margarita glass!
Girls, I will make sure I have some more of these mondo margarita glasses when you two come for a visit!!!
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